I found my horoscope auspicious today:
To ensure that your latest travel plans get launched with as few complications as possible, you'll have to put planning first today. There is real value in taking your time to double-check itineraries and to take one last look online to see whether you can get there (or stay there) less expensively. You might get some confusing information on how to get to where you need to go, so today is not the time to finalize any transportation reservations.
I had lunch today with my friend Irma who was in Shanghai in November. She gave me some tips on some places to visit and to eat. And now I have much better ideas of what reading material to bring with me, thanks to you all. I'm going to hit the Brown Elephant Saturday, and possibly Myopic, and pick up some paperbacks.
My cat is currently curled behind me, partially on my neck, with his little muzzle snoring softly in my ear. He's too fricking cute. And now I'm going to watch some basketball and make a list of what else I need to get together.
Alright Claire... I want the source for your horoscopes! They seem way too on the mark. Pony up with the details!
Posted by: Jennifer | March 16, 2007 at 10:01 AM
Ha! I know! It's the Yahoo horoscopes! They have been fairly on the mark for the last three years. Which is totallly bizarre, but fun. Like fortune cookies, you can bend their meanings to your life.
Posted by: Claire | March 16, 2007 at 10:06 AM
I always found the Vanity Fair ones to be eerily accurate. Like you said, there's just enough to find something that clicks.
I'm off to Yahoo to see what's in store for the rest of my day.
Posted by: Jennifer | March 17, 2007 at 04:57 PM
now I will check out my yahoo horoscope too ;)
happy trip planning!!
Posted by: Maditi | March 18, 2007 at 04:49 AM
Claire, Your plans sound so fabulous! Where's Jack staying?
Horoscopes? I never like mine. At least, Yahoo is never mean or threatening, but Vanity Fair has my number all too well. For Aries, the VF horoscopes still sometimes say things like: "If you could give up your need to be the most exciting, original person in the room and thus, listened to someone else, even once in a rare while, dear Aries, you just might learn something!"
In the last year or two, the man who's been writing them forever has softened just toward Aries but there was a time when I'd think: Some Aries must have really screwed that guy.
So Jennifer, shatter my delusions: Tell me you're an Aries, too, and have not only found them accurate (never said they weren't accurate; terribly accurately cruel) but encouraging. Or gave you a sliver of hope, a shard of insight, anything other than a reason to go weep in the bathroom. Even my husband, a Scorpio, admits VF HATED Aries. Less so now, but five years ago? Devastatingly on-target, (probably well-deserved) character assassination, month after month...!
Posted by: grasshopper | March 18, 2007 at 04:07 PM